My name is Coral and this is my Player Character project for the roleplay game Lusa and the Last Winter roleplay series. My character's name is Coral....Coral is a seawing and was born into the Fanda faction but her mother later broke off to join Lusa. Her family’s home was deep in the sea and when Fanda took over, the sea was thrown off balance since the sea creatures who would hibernate during the winter weren’t able to anymore. Finding a balance between the group Fanda and Lusa wouldn’t only save her home, it would bring her family back together.

Coral and her sister Aqua have joined a secret society to help bring the two factions together and have supplied the group with knowledge from their parents, caught on opposite sides of what could become the most destructive war in history.
Character Details:
Roleplay Game: Lusa and the Last Winter
Occupation: Daughter of Lusa’s Advisor and Fanda’s Warplanner
Dragon Breed: Seawing
Personality Types: ESTP - A