Hello everybody! Today we are going to talk about what specific knowledge is, and why it is important. After that, some tips to help you discover your own specific knowledge! This was all inspired by the tweet storm by Naval Ravakant, creator of Angel.co and venture capitalist. I hope you enjoy and find this insightful!
So, first off, what is specific knowledge? Humans have this idea in their minds that everything can be taught in school. And although this may seem true, it isn't. Specific knowledge is knowledge that people can not teach, but can learn. They can learn this through experiences and all the different circumstances you have. Some examples are: your childhood, your friendships, different conversations, your interests, your personality, etc.
As you can see, this knowledge can only come through your experiences, and since no one lives an identical life to someone else, this knowledge can not be learnt. Your specific knowledge has to come to you from all the things your have been inspired to do, what you parents believed was important. All these factors combine to shape your specific knowledge.
Your specific knowledge will be something you are interested in. If you're not interested, it's not your specific knowledge.
No matter how hard people try, you can not teach specific knowledge. This is extremely important because if you could then it would not be scarce, and scarcity creates value. With your specific knowledge you can guarantee there will not be any duplicates to compete with you.
Your specific knowledge will help you pursue your
Specific talents
Genuine curiosity
Trying to find out your specific knowledge can be a bit of a challenge. One thing that can help is looking through your past to things you've been naturally good at. Maybe you've had inspiring charisma. Or perhaps you see both sides of things and can solve problem without trying. There are many different examples I could give each tailoring to specific people.
One thing that specific knowledge can help you with is finding a career that you are passionate about. Usually people aren't extremely happy about their jobs. But using your special knowledge to find a career is an amazing thing. If you are not interested in something, you shouldn't dedicate your life to it. So people should try to cultivate their specific knowledge to provide something to the world that could not get otherwise.
Thank you for reading about specific knowledge! I hope you enjoyed and feel inspired to find your own specific knowledge. There is no reason why you could not provide to the world what your circumstances bring you!